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About Me

Artist in Singapore currently studying in ITE Game Art and Design who likes to spent most of his time in-front of his computer Gaming, Drawing and Modelling.


I have always been inspired by art works be it drawings or models done by others. At a young age I would tend to play games and find myself staring at the alluring illustrations or mesmerized by the models in game.

Having the passion and feeling to be inspired to always do something that will always be better than the last is a very important part of my work. I am able to feel strongly with what I have designed to which I can connect with.

It comes with no surprise that Game Design is the love of my life, but gaming is like the blood in the veins. Games widen my creativity and I feel endlessly inspired to challenge myself to create something that is equal to or better than the game itself.

"Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist."

-Pablo Picasso

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